
疊拼别墅設計 | 吉祥如意裝(zhuāng)飾機構-連雲龍:拂曉拾光

2022-07-23 11:39





疊拼别墅設計 | 吉祥如意裝(zhuāng)飾機構-連雲龍:拂曉拾光

時光侵蝕,萬物(wù)生長(cháng), 家在一年又(yòu)一年的光陰蹉跎裏, 沉澱情感,變得富有(yǒu)韻味與溫度。   告别審美疲勞 Farewell to aesthetic fatigue   家宅空間說來道去,離不開客廳、卧室、餐廚空間……然而千人千面,家也該有(yǒu)屬于每個人獨特的樣子。這兩年看過、做過太多(duō)色彩單一,略顯枯燥的現代、奶油風格,無論是設計師還是業主都處于審美疲勞的狀态,于是在和業主溝通的過程中(zhōng)一拍即合,決定重拾過去色彩斑斓的複古風情,打造一個英倫風、美式、法式互相糅合的家。 The home space is inseparable from the living room, bedroom and kitchen space... However, with thousands of people and thousands of faces, the home should also have a unique appearance belonging to everyone. In the past two years, I have seen and made too many modern and creamy styles with single colors, which are slightly boring. Both designers and owners are in a state of aesthetic fatigue. Therefore, in the process of communicating with the owners, I decided to pick up the colorful retro style of the past and build a home with British style, American style and French style.   設計師以敞開的手法去規劃結構,希望空間是流暢有(yǒu)序的,能(néng)夠為(wèi)居住者提升生活便利性。開放式就餐空間,使空間的使用(yòng)動線(xiàn)更豐滿靈活,也分(fēn)擔了廚房的空間壓力,彼此相互延伸滲透,更具(jù)整體(tǐ)性。 The designer plans the structure in an open way, hoping that the space is smooth and orderly, which can improve the convenience of life for residents. The open dining space makes the use of the space more plump and flexible, and also shares the space pressure of the kitchen, extending and penetrating each other, making it more integrated.       拾光者 Light collector   光是空間流動的情緒,靜立背景牆角落的“拾光者”擺件,将沉寂打破與生動同時抵達。休閑陽台也納入客廳,夢幻簾将光影篩選,這一室的靈動與優雅是四季贈予的最好禮物(wù)。 Light is the emotion flowing in the space. Standing still in the corner of the background wall, the "light collector" decorations will break the silence and arrive at the same time. The leisure balcony is also included in the living room, and the dream curtain will screen the light and shadow. The flexibility and elegance of this room is the best gift given by the four seasons.         因情構境 Build space through emotion   設計師連雲龍善于因情構境。拾級而上,二樓公(gōng)共區(qū)域,通過色彩及材質(zhì)的碰撞,從視覺的角度讓空間更流暢。同時,弧形門洞及通透簡潔的玻璃門,柔和了空間,開闊了視野,讓樓梯口也能(néng)生動活潑不壓抑。 Designer lianyunlong is good at constructing environment based on emotion. Step up, the public area on the second floor, through the collision of color and material, makes the space more smooth from a visual point of view. At the same time, the arc-shaped door opening and the transparent and concise glass door soften the space, broaden the vision, and make the staircase entrance lively and not depressed.     如果把家比做人,那起居室就是心源,一天中(zhōng)的活力來源于一夜是否獲得好眠。羽絨質(zhì)感的床頭,帶來柔軟的包裹感,給予卧室空間溫暖安(ān)逸的感知。趣味的床頭燈設計,為(wèi)生活帶來意外的小(xiǎo)靈感。 If you compare home to being a man, the living room is the source of your heart. The vitality of a day comes from whether you get a good sleep overnight. The down textured bedside brings a soft wrapping feeling and gives the bedroom a sense of warmth and comfort. Interesting bedside lamp design brings unexpected inspiration to life.       卧室空間,是根據居住者内心而設計,更深層次則是一種對生活方式的看法,把家修建成一個自己隐世的居所,在裏邊升起動人煙火,至此實現詩意的栖居。由心生發,也向心而去…… The bedroom space is designed according to the residents' hearts. At a deeper level, it is a view of life style, building the home into a secluded residence, raising touching fireworks in it, so as to achieve poetic dwelling. From the heart, but also to the heart……     克萊因藍的出現,為(wèi)平靜的生活帶來一絲漣漪,強烈的沖擊力與之所表達的純淨,不用(yòng)解釋,無需語言,就讓心靈感知到理(lǐ)想的單純。 The appearance of Klein Blue has brought a ripple to a peaceful life. The strong impact and the purity expressed by it make the soul feel the ideal simplicity without explanation or language.   人生不過是居家,出門,又(yòu)回家, 我們一切的情感、理(lǐ)智和意志(zhì)上的追求或企圖, 不過是靈魂上的思鄉病。 想找一個人,一件事,一處地位, 容許我們的身心, 在這茫茫的世界有(yǒu)個安(ān)頓的歸宿。       ▲平面布置方案   項目信息 Project Information -   - Name | 項目名(míng)稱 - 禹州朗廷灣   -Project Name | 項目地點 - 福建 福州   - Designer Firm | 設計公(gōng)司- 吉祥如意裝(zhuāng)飾設計機構   - Chief Designer | 主創設計 - 連雲龍     - 連雲龍 - 吉祥如意裝(zhuāng)飾機構 設計師

疊拼别墅設計|吉祥如意裝(zhuāng)飾機構-郭美芳 / 融信海月江潮

  現代空間中(zhōng)融入東方氣質(zhì) 生活與自然雅韻相伴 創造時尚摩登居所 無論家以哪一種形态呈現,設計的語言都是對生活的思考和回歸。在設計師郭美芳看來,做私宅設計就是做生活,在處理(lǐ)空間規劃上,設計師圍繞一家人在不同時間對空間的使用(yòng)需求,給予家人更多(duō)團聚的時間。   -   01   LIVING ROOM 客廳   -       空間以現代設計語言傳遞東方情調,使心靈行至深處,感受人居的無限魅力。   The space conveys the Oriental sentiment with modern design language, so that the soul can go deep and feel the infinite charm of human settlement.       客廳是靈魂所在,不僅承載着休閑、娛樂、社交等功能(néng),也傳達出主人的品味和個性。   設計師将簡約别緻的現代風格和東方藝術的光潔質(zhì)感融合在一起,金屬色、木(mù)色、灰色相互協調,不動聲色地勾勒出視覺重點。色調延伸、包裹,追求時尚和格調的同時也不失家的溫馨舒适。   The living room is where the soul lies. It not only carries the functions of leisure, entertainment and social intercourse, but also conveys the taste and personality of the host.   The designer combines the simple and chic modern style with the smooth texture of Oriental Art. The metal color, wood color and gray coordinate with each other, quietly outlining the visual focus. Tonal extension, wrapping, pursuing fashion and style without losing the warmth and comfort of home.   -   02   DINING ROOM 餐廳 -     同色系的圓桌承載着親朋團坐(zuò)的溫度,輕松舒适的氛圍感使得主人宴請賓客也毫無壓力,由此開啓居住美學(xué)。   The round table with the same color system carries the temperature of family and friends. The relaxed and comfortable atmosphere makes the host have no pressure to entertain guests, thus opening the living aesthetics.   - 03   MASTER BEDROOB 卧室   -       簡約的内飾邊線(xiàn)于牆面勾畫出層層幾何形态,沒有(yǒu)一絲累贅感。作(zuò)為(wèi)點睛之筆(bǐ)糅合在大面積的水墨畫背景中(zhōng),成功地利用(yòng)小(xiǎo)細節打動空間,用(yòng)暖色調豐富了空間調性。   The simple interior sideline outlines the geometric shape of the wall layer by layer, without any cumbersome feeling. As the finishing touch, it is blended in the background of large-area ink painting, successfully using small details to move the space, and enriching the spatial tonality with warm colors.     在強調卧室功能(néng)性的同時,場域情感也随之展開。儒雅大氣的軟裝(zhuāng)陳設,足以接納喧嚣過後的甯靜。   While emphasizing the function of the bedroom, the field emotion also unfolds. The elegant and generous soft furnishings are enough to accept the tranquility after the noise.       ▲平面布置方案   項目信息 Project Information -   - Name | 項目名(míng)稱 - 融信海月江潮   -Project Name | 項目地點 - 福建 福州   - Designer Firm | 設計公(gōng)司- 吉祥如意裝(zhuāng)飾設計機構   - Chief Designer | 主創設計 - 郭美芳     郭美芳 福州吉祥如意裝(zhuāng)飾 設計總監      
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